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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Julius Caesar, Act 1

Today I was in streets walking with Cassius and he asked me asked me to go check how the games were going. I guess he doesn't know me very well because if he did he would know that i am a reserved man and I do not like to go to games. I had to tell Cassius that I am not a game some person. Then Antony said to me that he had observed me very carefully and he knew I was a gentle man, not like Antony. The reason I say not like Antony is because Antony is a very rowdy man and very outgoing, he also loves the games. If I were Antony I wouldn't act so boisterous, he could get in trouble for how rowdy he is one day. Somehow Cassius persuaded me to go to the games. It was so loud I could hardly hear myself think. Cassius and I stared to talk about Caesar becoming king. I am not very fond of the thought that the people might choose him. But what can I do? I guess I would be okay with it because I love him so dearly, he is a dear friend. The thing is, I am already having doubts about him becoming king.

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