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Monday, February 21, 2011

Julius Caesar, Act 2

Why wont my servant come whenever I call him? I have to call him multiple times and he still doesn't appear. I need him to get me a taper. I guess I am just to impatient. Ah, finally he comes. Here I tell him to get me a taper from my study. He is such a good boy when he actually tries to be. Now that he is gone I ask myself why people think Caesar should be crowned. Where is that boy Lucius? I see him coming in the distance. Now that he is here he tells me he got the taper and he also found a paper, he says he just noticed it. So i take the paper from him, but it isn't a paper it is a letter, and I now tell him that he should go to bed again and get some sleep. Before he goes I ask him if tomorrow is yet the ides of March. He told me he didn't know, so i tell him to go look at a calender and tell me if it is or isn't. Now that Lucius is gone i think i shall read that letter. What dreadful letter this is, why would someone ever right to me that i sleep awake?  Here comes Lucius again. He brings another taper with, and he tells me my brother is at the front gate. I shall go and see what my brother Cassius wants.

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