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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Julius Caesar, Act 5

We are now in the plains of Philippi where the battle is about to begin. Now the only thing I have to do now is send the message to start the war. "Go Messala, ride to the front and sound the alarm to start the battle, we are ready to fight." Now I get word back that I sent word to begin the battle to soon. I am also told my brother has died. Oh what horrible news. I really do wish I didn't have to go into battle without my brother. I have just learned of his death, but I am already feeling the pains of having to live without him. I will fight this battle in his honor. We will win, I am sure of it. Now I here word from Messala my messenger that Titinius has died also. What a dreadful day this has been. We must surely win this battle now to lift my spirits. Now I am feeling to dreadful to live anymore, I tell my fellow friend Volumnius to help me by holding my sword so that I may run into it and die. Why does he refuse? If he truly was my friend he would help me and hold my sword. I have finally persuaded him, he will hold my sword. "Farewell good Strato, Caesar, now be still; i killed thee with half so good a will.

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